Journalist born in Hungary
I work in Berlin, Budapest and Paris.
I speak Hungarian, English, German, French and Italian.
Radio, print, TV- & video production
Deutschlandfunk, Deutsche Welle,
Deutschlandradio Kultur, The Atlantic Times,
RBB Kulturradio, SWR, WDR
Tagesspiegel, taz, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 168 óra, among others.
- Culture and politics in Hungary, Germany and France
- Diversity and media
- Refugees and migration
- Religion und society
- Transmission of war-trauma in families
I immerse into the protagonist’s environment. I absorb everything like a sponge. That’s what makes my reports authentic.
My calling is to be a bridge builder, a change agent. My role is to connect different cultures and ways of thinking with each other.
I was born in a cosmopolitan family in Budapest.
I was raised in a household filled with furniture that came from the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
I lived in England from the age of two to five. This made me an outsider later in socialist Hungary, for I had experienced a world that most Hungarian kids could not even dream of back then: the West.
The tears of my mother at the image of the lorry rolling out with our belongings from our neighbourhood in Liverpool in 1987 have been engraved upon my soul ever since.
In Budapest I attained a master’s degree in English and German Literature and Linguistics and in 2008 I moved to Berlin due to the International Parliamentary-Scholarship and worked five months in the Bundestag.
I loved the openness of the city so much that I decided to stay there. I studied Cultural Journalism at the University of Arts in Berlin and received my master’s degree in January 2012. Since then I have been working as a freelance journalist in Budapest, Berlin and recently in Paris.
CONSULTANT FOR EUROPE AND DIVERSITYDiv-A - Diversity Accelerator: I conceived, designed and developed this new media mentoring project for the Council of Europe, in order to help European journalist start-ups to create independent journalism outlets by using alternative means of financing, such as crowdfunding and building up a membership model. MEDIANE – Media in Europe for Diversity Inclusiveness and MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport: To enhance diversity inclusion in European media landscape, I worked as a Consultant on the above-mentioned EU/Council of Europe media projects between 2012 and 2014. In this period I coordinated a European exchange programme for journalists, so that they could learn good practices from each other to go beyond 'diversity reporting' and adopt an inclusive approach of storytelling. DIGIWHIST - The Digital Whistleblower: Fiscal Transparency, Risk Assessment and Impact of Good Governance Policies Assessed: I worked as a Communications Consultant for the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin within the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 research project DIGIWHIST in 2015. The project brings together six European research institutes, with the aim of empowering society to combat public sector corruption. Diversity- und communication training - I hold trainings in the field of communication, diversity and media for the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) or the German-Polish Kreisau Initiative, among others. The latter foundation invited me to train young journalists within the framework of an EU/Erasmus+ programme, including Syrian and Palestinian refugees, how to report about refugees with dignity. Language training - I have been teaching English at various companies in Budapest, Berlin and recently Paris, including the German Parliament, the Senate of Berlin, the Volkshochschule, the Municipal Centre for Adult Education and the municipalities of Paris.